Showing posts with label crime. Show all posts
Showing posts with label crime. Show all posts

Monday, September 2, 2013

शिक्षकले ७ कक्षामा पढ्ने छात्रालाई गुप्तंग देखाए पछी को अवस्था !

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शिक्षकले विद्यार्थीलाई आफ्नै लिङ्ग देखाउँदै दुर्व्यहार प्रयास गरेपछि मंगलवार जिल्ला प्रहरी कार्यालयमा अनौठो दृष्य देखियो। एक– दुई कक्षामा पढ्ने देखि १० सम्मका विद्यालय पोसाक लगाएका तीन सयभन्दा बढी विद्यार्थी नाराजुलुस गर्दै आएपछि प्रहरी पनि एकछिन्र छक्क पर्‍यो। विद्यार्थीको इज्जत लुट्न खोज्ने शिक्षकलाई कारवाही गर्नु पर्ने माग राख्दै सदरमुकामको महेन्द्रज्योती उच्च माविका विद्यार्थी कक्षा बन्द गरी प्रहरी कार्यालय आएका हुन्। सोमवार साँझ गोरखा नगरपालिका-१० को सेन्ट जोसेफ बोर्डिङ स्कुलका शिक्षक रामजी पाण्डले महेन्द्र ज्योती उच्च मावि कक्षा ७ मा पढ्ने १३ वर्षीया छात्रालाई जबरजस्ती गर्न खोजेको आरोप लगाइएको छ। मंगलवार विद्यालयमा उक्त घटना थाहा भएपछि सबै विद्यार्थी र शिक्षक दुर्ब्यवहार गर्ने शिक्षकलाई कडा कारवाहीको माग गर्दै विद्यालय बन्द गरेर दवाब दिन प्रहरीमा आए। नाराजुलुस गर्दै आएको विद्यालयका शिक्षक स्टाफ, विद्यार्थी, अविभावक सहितको टोलीले शिक्षकलाई कारवाहीको माग राख्दै प्रहरीमा ठाडो उजुरी दिएका छन्। विद्यालयका प्रचार्य लक्ष्मण आचार्यले भने, 'हाम्रो विद्यार्थीलाई र्दुब्यवहार भएको थापा पाएपछि बैठक बसेर न्यायका लागि प्रहरीमा आएका हौँ।'
आउ आउ भन्दै लखेट्यो : पीडित छात्रा सोमवार साँझ धाराबाट पानी लिएर फर्कँदै गरेको समयमा शिक्षकले लिङ्ग देखाउँदै लखेटेको पीडित विद्यार्थीलाई उदृत गर्दै विद्यालयले जनाएको छ। पीडित विद्यार्थीले नागरिकन्युजसँग भनिन् 'एक साता अघि पनि पानी बाकेर फर्कँदै गर्दा लखेटेको थियो, हिजो लिङ्ग देखाएर आउ-आउ भन्दै लखेट्यो।' दुब्यवाहार गर्ने शिक्षक पाण्डे विबाहीत हुन्। उनी सेन्ट जोसेफ स्कुलमा मावि तह म्म अंग्रेजी विषय पढाउँछन्। आफूलाई फसाउन घटनालाई तोडमोड गरिएको प्रहरीको बयानमा उनले भनेका छन्। पिसाब फेरिरहेको समयमा ती विद्यार्थीले देखेको बताउँदै उनले जबरजस्ती गर्न नखोजेको बताए। प्रहरीले हिजो साँझ नै शिक्षक पाण्डेलाई नियन्त्रणमा लिएर अनुसन्धान गरिरहेको प्रहरी निरिक्षक डिलबहादुर मल्ले बताए। उनले भने ...अनुसन्धान भइरहेको छ, पुष्टि भएपछि ऐन अनुसार आवश्यक कारवाही गछौँ।'भिडियो हेर्नको लागि तलको बक्समा क्लिक गर्नुहोस् ।

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Police constable kills self

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 An Armed Police Force constable posted at APF Triyuga Battalion in Gaighat, Udayapur district headquarters, committed suicide by consuming poison on Wednesday morning.

The deceased has been identified as police constable Narendra Chaudhary, 24, of Triyuga Municipality-14.

According to sources, Chaudhary was spotted unconscious at the gate of Triyuga Municipality-3 and was rushed to the district hospital in Udayapur for treatment.

Chaudhary was on a leave to see his wife and son, DSP Binod Shrestha said.

Meanwhile, police have been investigating the incident.

Mumbai gang-rape

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 Mumbai gang-rape accused taken to crime spot to reconstruct events
he five accused arrested in connection with the gang rape of 23-year-old photojournalist were on Wednesday taken to Shakti Mills compound here to reconstruct the sequence of events that led to the crime.

All the five accused were brought to the crime scene at around 1pm and police sought details from them as to what had transpired on the fateful day.

The victim, an intern with an English magazine, was allegedly raped by the five accused when she had gone to the desolate Shakti Mills premises on August 22 with a male colleague on an assignment. Her colleague is a prime witness in the case.

Joint Commissioner of Police (crime) Himanshu Roy, who is supervising the investigation, was also present at Mills when the accused were brought there.

The reconstruction of events that led to the crime is also being video-recorded, police sources said.

All five accused - Salim Ansari, Vijay Jadhav, Chand Babu Sattar Shaikh, Mohammed Kasim Hafiz Shaikh alias Kasim Bengali and Siraj Rehman Khan - are in the custody of the Mumbai Crime Branch.

Police had earlier said that when Salim made a phone call to Kasim Bengali, asking him to immediately reach Shakti mills on the day of the crime, the latter was present in a shanty with Chand, Siraj and one more person. "That person has been found and made a witness in the case," he said.

Yesterday, two teams from Central Forensic Science Laboratory, Delhi, and Gujarat Forensic Science Laboratory, carrying advanced equipment, thoroughly examined the crime scene for nearly three hours to gather evidence to build a water-tight case against the accused.

The team from Gujarat also had two psychiatrists who conducted Layered Voice Analysis (LVA) on the accused. LVA is a technique designed for truth verification and detection of deceit. It helps measure the emotional content of human speech, captured live or extracted from recorded audio.

Police have also conducted searches at the homes of the accused and recovered clothes including undergarments.

Responding to a query about the victim being forced to clean the crime scene after the brutal act, a police official had earlier replied in the affirmative but said plenty of evidence was still collected from the spot.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Leopard terror haunts

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 leopard preyed on an eight-year-old boy at Bishalpur VDC-2 in Baitadi district on Sunday night.
The man-eater whisked away Dambar Soni, son of Parma Soni, from his house while he was sleeping. The leopard entered Soni’s room through the window and took away the boy while he was sleeping with his mother. Villagers found some body parts of the boy around 500 meters away from the house on Monday.

Leopards mauled two children to death and injured three women in Bishalpur and its vicinity at Talloswarad area in the district within the past two months. Local people said leopards enter the settlements mostly in the evenings and attack children and women. The man-eaters have terrorised locals in eight VDCs in the area for the past few years. Leopards killed 22 people in the area within the past one year. According to the villagers, there could be three or four man-eaters in the area. They said leopards used to attack children earlier, but now they target women.

“The villagers are in living terror. Leopards enter houses and attack people. One cannot even go to toilet alone,” said Jaya Dutta Bhatta of Bishalpur. “Neither fear-stricken children could go to school nor women can come out of houses alone.”  Villagers complained that the authorities concerned always ignored their plight despite repeated requests. The local administration had sent a joint team of Nepal Army, Nepal Police, Armed Police Force, forest employees and experts from Chitwan National Park to the area last year to catch the man-eaters, but to no avail.


'kills hundreds,' Syria gas

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opposition accused government forces of gassing hundreds of people on Wednesday by firing rockets that released deadly fumes over rebel-held Damascus suburbs, killing men, women and children as they slept.

The council did not explicitly demand a U.N. investigation of the incident, although it said "clarity" was needed and welcomed U.N. chief Ban Ki-moon's calls for a prompt investigation by the U.N. inspection team in Syria , led by Ake Sellstrom.
With the death toll estimated between 500 and 1,300, what would be the world's most lethal chemical weapons attack since the 1980s prompted an emergency meeting of the U.N. Security Council in New York.

An earlier Western-drafted statement submitted to the council, seen by Reuters, was not approved. The final version of the statement was watered down to accommodate objections from Russia and China, diplomats said. Moscow and Beijing have vetoed previous Western efforts to impose U.N. penalties on Assad.

Syria Information Minister Omran Zoabi said the allegations were 'illogical and fabricated". President Bashar al-Assad's officials have said they would never use poison gas against Syria ns. The United States and European allies believe Assad's forces have used small amounts of sarin before, hence the current U.N. visit.

Immediate international action is likely to be limited, with the divisions among major powers that have crippled efforts to quell 2 1/2 years of civil war still much in evidence.

Britain voiced the opposite view: "I hope this will wake up some who have supported the Assad regime to realize its murderous and barbaric nature," Foreign Secretary William Hague said on a visit to Paris.
Russia backed up Syria n government denials by saying it looked like a rebel "provocation" to discredit Assad.

France, Britain, the United States and others called for an immediate on-site investigation by U.N. chemical weapons inspectors who arrived in the Syria n capital only this week. Moscow, urging an "objective" inquiry, said the very presence of that team suggested government forces were not to blame.

U.S. President Barack Obama has made the use of chemical weapons by Assad's forces a "red line" that in June triggered more U.S. aid to the rebels. But previous, smaller and disputed cases of their deployment have not brought the all-out military intervention rebel leaders have sought to break a stalemate.

U.S. Senator John McCain, a Republican critic of Obama's Syria policy, said on Twitter that failure to penalize previous gas attacks had emboldened Assad: "No consequence for Assad using chemical weapons & crossing red line," he said. "We shouldn't be surprised he's using them again."

Images, including some by freelance photographers supplied to Reuters, showed scores of bodies - some of them small children - laid on the floor of a clinic with no visible signs of injury. Some showed people with foam around their mouths.

The United States and others said it had no independent confirmation that chemical weapons had been used. The U.N. chief, Ban, said the head of the inspection team in Damascus was already discussing the latest claims with the government.


Opposition activists cited death tolls ranging from about 500 to - by one account - some 1,300 after shells and rockets fell around 3 a.m. on Wednesday. In 1988, 3,000 to 5,000 Iraqi Kurds were gassed by Saddam Hussein's forces at Halabja.

Doctors interviewed described symptoms they believe point to sarin gas, one of the agents Western powers accuse Damascus of having in an undeclared chemical weapons stockpile.

An opposition monitoring group, citing figures compiled from clinics in the Damascus suburbs, put the death toll at 494, with 90 percent killed by gas, the rest by bombs and conventional arms. The rebel Syria n National Coalition said 650 people died.

Activists said rockets with chemical agents hit the Damascus suburbs of Ain Tarma, Zamalka and Jobar during a fierce pre-dawn bombardment by government forces. The Damascus Media Office said 150 bodies were counted in Hammouriya, 100 in Kfar Batna, 67 in Saqba, 61 in Douma, 76 in Mouadamiya and 40 in Erbin.

A nurse at Douma Emergency Collection facility, Bayan Baker, said: "Many of the casualties are women and children. They arrived with their pupils constricted, cold limbs and foam in their mouths. The doctors say these are typical symptoms of nerve gas victims."

A video purportedly shot in the Kafr Batna neighborhood showed a room filled with more than 90 bodies, many of them children and a few women and elderly men. Most of the bodies appeared ashen or pale but with no visible injuries.

Other footage showed doctors treating people in makeshift clinics. One video showed the bodies of a dozen people lying on the floor of a clinic. A voice-over said they were members of a single family. In a corridor outside lay another five bodies.

Syria is one of just a handful of countries that are not parties to the international treaty that bans chemical weapons, and Western nations believe it has caches of undeclared mustard gas, sarin and VX nerve agents.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

अख्त्यर ले घुस खाँदा खादै छ्याप !!

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Thursday, April 25, 2013

He ‘had sex with girl of 14 at school’

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A PE teacher appeared in court yesterday accused of having sex with a 14-year-old girl at his primary school.