Showing posts with label kalliwood. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kalliwood. Show all posts

Monday, October 28, 2013

Sushma Karki talks about offers of lakhs per night

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In an interview published in Nepali weekly Saptahik, Sushma Karki has boasted that she had received an offer of 2 lakh per night. Although she told that she didn’t like such fans she has met a lot of people who thought ‘every actress work as call girls’ and ‘every actress have sex videos’. Sushma has realized that it is very difficult to live like a pure actress.


In the interview (attached above the original, in Nepali), she told that once a man called her in the middle of the night and offered 1 lakh for the night. In another incident she had received an offer of 2 lakh per night through Facebook.

Sushma proudly added, "1-2 lakh is not a small amount. Sushma has something that is attracting people." She added, "The only difference is, they took the attraction in the form of sex not in the form of love ."

It is to be noted that Sushma’s controversial movie ‘Bindaas’ was released on the day her interview was published. Sushma is known to be open in sex related topics who says ‘sex is normal these days‘.

आफ्नो सेक्स सम्बन्धी कथामा बनेको फिल्म "बिन्दास" रिलिज भएको दिन एक अन्तरबार्ता छाप्दै शुष्मा कार्कीले आफुलाई फोन बाट "एक रातको १ लाख" सम्मको अफर आएको बताएकी छिन । अझ फेसबुकमा त दुइ लाख सम्मको अफर आएको बताउने हिरोइनले ब्यापारीहरुले जस्तो आफ्नो न्युनतम मोल बताएको हो भनेर कसै कसैले शंका पनि गरेका छन् ।

शुष्माले आफ्नो मोल बताएको हो कि फिल्म चलाउनको लागि स्क्यान्डल मच्चाउन खोजेको होला? कमेन्ट गर्नुहोला ।


Nepali MAYA Bazin In English Sex Film? No she is Indian

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we were surprised when Kantipur published an article about a, so called Nepali, sex film actress. we are not sure if she is Nepali or not but in a video that I came across, she says that she is an Indian. See for yourself:Girls like Maya Bazin (or Deepsikha, or whatever) don’t even tell their real names. Everybody knows, these girls can say anything that makes them special. They don’t have to show any proof of their sayings so they use their imagination to take advantage of the situation.This girl Maya might have heard about Nepal, and she wanted to make herself special by telling she is a Nepali girl.

She might also have been to Nepal for a vacation, where she learned few Nepali words (anybody in a hotel in Kathmandu can teach them). And, in another occasion, she forgot how to spell Nepal and took refuge to the easier word ‘India’ for her origination. One should be a fool to believe her and consider her an Indian or a Nepali without a much better proof!Now, what proof does Kantipur has, to tell she is a Nepali? They have made it to the frontpage news (based on a sole interview of a pro) in the weekly publication without even cross checking the information.

Many websites are run by a single person, so they can’t do much research. But, media houses like Kantipur have a huge amount of people around to do extensive research before something is published. They need to cross-check every news and articles for the authenticity of the information to be published.people at Kantipur know sex sells, but they have yet to realized the importance of research and the weight of information. - Kantipur

Chhabi’s new movie Lazza to feature Aryan Sigdel and Shilpa Pokharel

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The inauguration of an upcoming movie ‘Lazza’ was held in the Ganesh mandir of Kamaladi on October 28. Producer Chhabi Raj Ojha and director Nawal Nepal inaugurated the movie by offering puja in the temple. Chhabi’s another movie ‘Loafer’ is releasing in theater on Mangsir 21.

Although the movie was inaugurated on Monday, the shooting will not start until after the Tihar festival. In the mean time the lead actor Aryan Sigdel is busy in his home production ‘November Rain’. The movie is the debut movie of Aryan’s opposite Shilpa Pokharel. Shilpa, a well known model in music videos, has taken a formal training on acting in preparation of the movie.

‘Lazza’ is to be made on a love story by Chhabi himself. The script and dialogue is prepared by the director Nawal Nepal. The movie features music of Chetan Sapkota and will be shot by the cinematographer Madan Kashyap Ghimire.

Chhabi Ojha is known for introducing most number of new actor and actresses in Nepali movie industry. The top actor and actresses in Nepali movie industry including Rajesh Hamal and Rekha Thapa, Aryan Sigdel etc. were introduced by Chhabi.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Sex Scandals in Nepali movie industry

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Nepali movie industry is criticized for the failure to come up with good quality movies. Although numerous movies are produced and released every year, most of the movies can’t even earn the investment. It came as surprises – scandals involving artists Namrata Shrestha and Puja Lama. We have written about the issues previously in  scandals of 2066, looking back to 2066 – year filled with sex scandals.

This time, it is a TV report that focuses on the involvement of several female cine-artistes in such indecent activities in Nepali movie industry. The three part,  Sagarmatha TV program, Crime Watch, by Pramod Sedhain is posted below:

सेक्स फिल्ममा काम गर्न तयार नायिका सोनिया केसी

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Model turned actress Sonia KC is known for showing off a lot of skin in modeling shots and movies.The actress was once talked about due to the very erotic kiss scene in a movie.

Sonia KC once accused a director, Suresh Darpan Pokharel, trying to rape her. She took the case to the police and later sorted it out in mutual understanding.

When asked if she can work in sex films, she replied, “Why not, I can do any types of movies.” At the same time, she also told that she is still a virgin.  You can read the interview below (in Nepali) to determine how virgin she might be:

नेपाली चलचित्रमा धेरै नायिका अभिनयका कारण होइन यौन मामिलामा उदार भएका कारण चर्चामा आउने गरेका छन् । त्यही सिलसिलामा जोडिएकी छन् नवनायिका सोनिया केसी, चलचित्र सिलसिलामा उतेजित अधर चुम्बनको दृष्य दिएर चर्चामा आएकी नवनायिका सोनीया त्यसभन्दा बढी निर्देशक सुरेशदर्पण पोख्रेलसँगको यौन विवादका कारण चर्चामा आइन् । सोनियाले प्वाक्कै भनिदिइन्, सुरेशले मलाई बल्तकारको प्रयास गर्‍यो, यही विवादले सुरेशलाई प्रहरी खोरसम्म पुर्‍यायो । तर विवाद यति फिल्मी शैलीमा मिल्यो की सुरेशले प्रहरी खोरमा रात विताउनै परेन ।

    “सेक्स फिल्ममा अफर आएमा काम गर्नुहुन्छ ? “ भन्ने प्रश्न लाई सहज रुपमा लिदै सोनियाले उत्तर दिईन : “नगर्ने भन्ने कुरा छैन … “। तर साथै, उनले अहिलेसम्म सेक्सको अनुभव भने नगरेको बताइन। (पत्याउनु, नपत्याउनु तपाईको विचार)

    भोजपुरी चलचित्रमा अलि बढी नै ग्लामोर र अंग प्रदशन बिक्ने हुनाले होला एउटा नसकिदै अर्को फिल्म मा अनुबन्धन भै सकेको खबर आएको छ।

० आजकल कता व्यस्त हो ?

- भर्खरमात्रै ‘राजभाई’ नामक चलचित्र सिध्याएर ‘गोर्खा पल्टन’ चलचित्रमा काम गर्दैछु । यस चलचित्रमा पूर्व इन्डियन आइडल प्रशान्त तामाङले पनि अभिनय गर्नु भएको छ ।

sonia_kc_3 ० चलचित्रमा नायिका बनिसक्दा पनि तपाईको अभिनयको त खासै चर्चा छैन नि ?

- मलाई त त्यस्तो लाग्दैन । म चुजी पनि छु । जस्तो पायो त्यस्तो चलचत्रि पनि गर्दिन छानेर गर्छु, त्यो भएर पनि कम चलचित्र भएको हो । बजारमा मेरो चर्चा नभए जस्तो त मलाई लाग्दैन ।

० चर्चा त तपाईको सिनेमाको भन्दा बढी तपाई माथि बलात्कारको प्रयास भएकोमा हुने गरेको छ त ?

- बलात्कार प्रयास भएकै हो । त्यही भनेर म प्रहरीसम्म पुगेकी हुँ । त्यो कुनै काल्पनिक घट्ना होइन

० तर प्रहरीसम्म पुगेको बलात्कार जस्तो केशमा दोषीलाई त्यही दिन छाडियो । त्यसैले यो सोनिया चर्चामा आउन गरेको प्रपञ्च भनिन्छ नि ?

-सुरेशले गल्ती स्विकारेपछि छोडिएको हो । गल्ती स्विकारेपछि मैले नै सहमतिमा छाडेकी हुँ । हामीबीच सहमती गराएर प्रहरीले छोडको हो । मलाई चर्चामा आउन यस्तो गरिरहनु पर्दैन ।

sonia_kc_2 ० तपाईको पनि कमजोरी देखियो नि हैन ?

- त्यही दिन उहाँ चलचित्र छाँयाङ्कन का लागि विदेश जान लागेको कारणले त्यस्तो सहमती गरेको हो । त्यस्तो कुरा लम्ब्याएर पनि काम छैन भनेर हो ।

० चलचित्र खेलाउने नाममा निर्माता निर्देशकले नवनायिका माथि शारिरिक शोषण गर्छन भन्छन, तपाई माथि त झन बलात्कारको प्रयास नै भयो ?

- हामी भन्दा अग्रज नायिकाहरुले पनि यस्ता कुरा बाहिर ल्याएनन् । यस्तो प्रथा धेरै छ चलचित्र क्षेत्रमा । अनि निर्माता निर्देशकहरुले सवैलाई यस्तो गर्न खोज्छन । मैले कतिपय नयाँ कलाकारबाट यस्तो कुरा सुन्ने गरेको छु । मलाई ट्यालेन्सीले काम गर्नु छ, अरुको ओछ्यान बनेर खेल्नु छैन ।

० भनेपछि त्यस्ता पीडित पनि छन् तर कुरा बाहिर ल्याउन चाहदैनन हैन ?

- हो, धेरै छन्, तर आˆनो करिअर बदनाम हुने डरले उनीहरु मुख खोल्दैनन् । काम नपाईने डरले उनीहरु सबै कुरा बाहिर ल्याउन चाहँदैनन् ।

० बलात्कार प्रयासको एउटा घट्ना बाहिर आयो, यस्तै व्यवहार अरु चलचित्रिकर्मीबाट पाउनु भयो ?

- म त्यसतो खालको केटी पनि हैन । मलाई अरुले त्यसपछि त्यस्तो अफर गरेका पनि छैन् ।

० तपाईको फोटोहरु त निकै हट छन नि सिनेमा बढी पाउने आशा हो ?

- सिनेमा पाउन कै लागि त हैन । जमाना अनुसार त्यतिको त खिच्नै पर्‍यो नि हैन र ।

० भनेपछि खुलेर अंगप्रदर्शन गर्नसक्नु हुन्छ ?

sonia_kc-  भयंकर अंगप्रर्दशन गरेर, शरिर देखाएर त्यही खालको नायिका बन्ने सोच हैन मेरो । कुन डेस लगाउँदा सुहाउँछ त्यही लाउने हो । अंगप्रदर्शन गर्ने भन्दैमा जस्तो पायो त्यस्तो लगाउँदिन । गर्दै नगर्ने भन्ने हैन ठिक्क गर्नुपर्छ ।

० कथाले मागे कतिसम्म दिने त ?

- कथाको विषयबस्तु हेरि गर्ने ।

० तपाईंको विहे गर्ने उमेर भैसक्यो हैन ?

- विहे गर्ने समय नै आएको छैन जस्तो लाग्छ । अझै सिनेमा क्षेत्रमा सघर्ष गर्ने योजनामा भएकाले विहे बारे केही सोचेकी पनि छैन ।

० ब्वायफ्रेण्ड त होलान् नि ?

- छैन, छैन अहिलेसम्म ।

० नव नायिकाहरु फिल्म खेल्नकै निर्माता, निर्देशकहरुको गर्लफ्रेण्ड बन्ने गर्छन नि ?

- कतिपय त्यस्ता पनि होलान, तर म त्यस्तो गर्ने पक्षको मान्छे हैनन । आफ्नो क्षमताले यस क्षेत्रमा आउनु पर्छ भन्ने मान्यता राख्छु ।

० उमेर कति भयो नि ?

- हत्तेरिका उमेर पनि सोध्ने ?

० हिरोइनहरु उमेर भन्न किन डराउँछन ?

- त्यस्तो होइन, म भरखरै २२ बर्षको भएँ ।

० आफुलाई कतिको सेक्सी मान्नु हुन्छ ?

- सेक्सी नै ठान्छु, अरुले पनि भन्छन ।

० सेक्सलाई कसरी व्याख्या गर्नुहुन्छ ?

- यो एउटा प्राकृतिक जैविक कुरा हो । मानवीय आवश्यकताको कुरा हो ।

० सेक्स फिल्ममा अफर आएमा काम गर्नुहुन्छ ?

- नगर्ने भन्ने कुरा छैन । कस्तो मेसेज दिने फिल्म हो, कस्तो स्टोरी छ, त्यो हेरेर राम्रो रैछ भने गर्छु ।

० विवाहपूर्वको सेक्स उचित हो ?

- हैन जस्तो लाग्छ ।

० सेक्सको अनुभव छ कि ?

- आइ एम सरी, मलाई अनुभव छैन ।

० यत्रो उमेरमा पनि छैन ?

- छैन, छैन, भए पो त छ भन्ने ।