Showing posts with label jankari. Show all posts
Showing posts with label jankari. Show all posts

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Are you wearing the right bra size?

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 A century after the invention of the bra, most women are still wearing the wrong size. Here's how to get the perfect fit.

A bra that doesn't fit well can spoil the look of the most expensive dress in your wardrobe.

3 Simple steps to the perfect fit

1. Throw away your measure tapes
Measuring your bust is not the key to getting a great fit. Stand by the mirror and start by taking a look at how your bra fits you and then consider whether you need to adjust your back size or cup size following steps 2 and 3.

2. Find the right back size (28-40)
The back size relates to how the bra fits around your body. The band around your body provides most of the support, so it should be firm but comfortable. It should be horizontal and not ride up at the back at all. If it is loose, or it rides up at the back, try a smaller back size (but remember to increase your cup size). Your bra will stretch with wash and wear, so we recommend a new bra that fits you when fastened on the loosest (outside) hook.

3. Find the right cup size (D-L)
The cup size relates to the volume of your breasts. The wires at the front should lie flat against your rib cage and should not dig in, rub or poke out at the front. Your breasts should be enclosed in the cups and you should have a smooth line where the fabric at the top of the cup ends and meets your bust. You shouldn't have any ridge or bulging over the top or sides of the cups, even if you are wearing a balconette style or lower cut shape.

Why you should choose a well-fitted bra
When your bra back or cup size are right, you will get great support that will give your upper body a good shape and protect your neck, shoulder and back muscles

7 Classic bra faux pas

The Quadraboob
Q: Are your breasts spilling over the cups?
A: The cup size of your bra is too small. You could try a bigger cup size.

The Superdrooper
Q: Do you feel your breasts aren't getting the support they deserve?
A: The back of your bra is too big and your straps may be too loose. Try a smaller back size.

The Ledge
Q: Does your bra give you over
uplift transforming your breasts into something that resembles a shelf?
A: It's likely the bra cups and back size are too small. Try a size bigger.

The side boob
Q: Are the wires in the side of your bra cup sitting on your breast rather than your ribcage?
A: It's likely that the cup size is too small. Try a cup size bigger.

The big stand off
Q: Does the front of your bra not sit flat on your sternum or breastbone?
A: The back size of your bra is too big. Try going down a size.

The high rider
Q: Is the back of the bra riding up?
A: The back size of your bra is too big. A small backsize should help this.


Saturday, October 26, 2013

The Right Way To Work On The Weekend (If You Absolutely Must)

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 More than eight in 10 Americans are stressed about their jobs, and yet we're not taking the time we need to de-stress. Eighty-one percent of employed Americans check their work email on weekends and 55 percent visit their inboxes after 11 p.m., according to an Opinion Matters survey, and one-third say that they respond to emails at work within 15 minutes.

Most of us, most of the time, live in a gray zone of sorts between work and leisure. We're not fully focused when we're working -- with smartphones, email alerts and social media constantly vying for our attention -- and when we're "relaxing" on the weekend, we're still plugged in to work. But being smart about how you spend your weekends could make you happier and more productive.

"There are 60 hours between that 6 p.m. Friday beer and that 6 a.m. Monday alarm clock," "168 Hours" author Laura Vanderkam writes in a Fast Company blog. "That’s plenty of time for fun, relaxation and more importantly, recharging the batteries. In our competitive world, successful people know that great weekends are the secret to workday success. You want weekends that leave you refreshed, not exhausted or disappointed."

Of course, it's preferable to use the full weekend for relaxing and recharging. But if your job does require that you get some work done during your time off, here's the right way to go about it.

Turbo-charge one hour of work.
It can be easy to graze on work email throughout the weekend, especially when you're getting messages from your boss -- which most employees are. Close to two-thirds of workers say their bosses send email over the weekend and expect a response, according to a 2011 Right Management survey, as reported by Forbes.

Interface Inc. CEO Daniel Hendrix told the New York Times that he had been working 24/7 when his then-boss sparked an epiphany about overworking on the weekends.

"The company brought in a president above me who was really charismatic and dynamic," Hendrix said to the Times. "One day he was in the office on a Sunday and he said: 'Every time I’m in here on Sunday, you’re in here working. I’m not impressed by somebody who can’t get their job done in five days. I’m really not. It’s about balance.'"

When we don't relax on the weekends, we have a hard time recovering from the stress of the workweek. The solution? Rather than sending emails here and there throughout your 72 hours off, set aside one hour on Saturday or Sunday to get it all done -- and save the rest of the weekend for relaxing. Stick to the schedule and resist the urge to take a peek at your inbox outside that hour.

Be intentional with your energy.
According to Tony Schwartz, CEO of The Energy Project and author of "The Way We're Working Isn't Working," applying a “fierce intentionality” to all that we do can benefit both our work and personal lives.

"That means that when you're working, you're really working; and when you're renewing and refueling, you're really renewing," Schwartz said at HuffPost's Third Metric conference in June.

Save it for Sunday night.
Many successful CEOs and business leaders say that they do this by setting aside one specific hour or chunk of time for work, and unplugging for the rest of the weekend. Often it's Sunday night -- so that you can start work on Monday morning feeling caught up -- but any quiet pocket of time will do the trick.

“I save everything up until Sunday night,” SurveyMonkey CEO Dave Goldberg told Business Insider in May, “because if I start sending emails on Saturday afternoon, then people have to start responding to me on Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning.”

Disable your phone's email function.
If your job allows, disabling the email function on your smartphone can ensure that you apply intentionality to your weekend work, only sending emails during the allotted time when you're home and in front of your computer. When you have emails constantly popping up on your phone, it's likely that you'll be tempted to answer them.

Monday, October 21, 2013

6 Extreme Animals Sure To Survive The Apocalypse

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If we've learned anything from science class, it's that nature is constantly trying to kill us. No matter how hard it tries though, it will never take down these animals.

The Devil Worm

Can survive: Crippling pressure, lack of oxygen, high temperature.

This species of nematode, only recently discovered in 2011, has been found living up to 2.2 miles below the surface of the Earth. It blew away the previous record for multicellular organisms by a full mile. These worms spend their lives in total darkness, drinking 12,000 year old water and eating simple bacteria.

The Himalayan Jumping Spider

Can survive: Low pressure, freezing temperatures.

The polar opposite of the devil worm, this spider holds the record for the animal that claims residency at a higher point than any other (4.1 miles above sea level). It’s able to survive long periods without food, freezing temperatures, and a distinct lack of atmospheric pressure. The only sources of nutrition available to the Himlayan jumping spider are the tiny insects that get blown up the mountain by the high winds.

The Immortal Jellyfish

Can survive: The aging process.

These jellyfish have the ability to revert back to their infant stages in adverse conditions, making them effectively immortal. There doesn't seem to be any limit on the number of times that they are able to revert back to their infancy. Unfortunately, they're highly vulnerable to predation and disease every time they live out their immature, smaller stages.

The Red Flat Bark Beetle

Can survive: Extreme cold.

This insect, which is native to the northern areas of Alaska and Canada, is able to resist temperatures up to -150 degrees Celsius (-238 Fahrenheit) by producing an antifreeze protein that prevents the crystallization of its blood. Its blood is also fortified with glycerol, which further halts freezing.

The Pompeii Worm

Can survive: Extreme heat, variance in temperature.

These deep-sea worms live exclusively in thermal vents in the ocean floor. Their tails are in the vents, which achieve temperatures up to 176 degrees Fahrenheit. Their heads however, poke out of the vents in order for the pompeii worms to capture prey. This results in half of their bodies experiencing temperatures over 100 degrees lower. It's thought that their resistance to heat is due to a coating of specialized bacteria on their bodies, which may provide a large degree of insulation for the worm.

The Tardigrade

Can survive: Basically anything.

These millimeter long, segmented animals can survive just about everything. Temperatures between just above absolute zero and 300 degrees Fahrenheit are no problem. 1200 times atmospheric pressure? The tardigrade just shrugs it off. It doesn’t really care about dehydration either, seeing as it can go 10 years without water. 1,000 times the lethal dose of radiation for humans is another non-factor. When testing the true extent of the tardigrade's resilience, scientists went so far as to send it to outer space in 2007. The result? Most of the tardigrades that went on the mission came back entirely unscathed. Plus they're kind of weirdly adorable.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

पत्नीमाथि शंका : मानसिक रोग

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काठमाडौ, एक उच्च सरकारी अधिकारी कार्यालयबाट फर्किएकी आफ्नी श्रीमतीसँग साँझको पहिलो भेटमा भलाकुसारी गर्दैनन्, श्रीमतीको पेन्टी रीक्षणपछि मात्र अन्य काममा हात हाल्छन् । पेन्टी जाँच्नुको कारण भने श्रीमतीले परपुरुषसँग सम्बन्ध राखेको छ वा छैन भन्नेबारे विश्वस्त हुनु हो ।

‘लोग्नेको शंकालु मनोवृत्तिले जीवन नरक बनेको छ,’ ती महिलाले भनिन्, ‘पहिले कुनै पुरुषसँग कुरा गर्दा शंका गर्थे, अब त तैले यौनसम्बन्ध नै राखिसकिस् भनेर तथानाम गर्छन ।’ दुई छोरा-छोरीसहितको सुखी परिवार लोग्नेको शंकालु मनोवृत्तिले नारकीय बनेको उल्लेख गर्दै उनी भन्छिन्, ‘अफिसबाट फर्केपछि पहिले ब्याग चेक गर्थे, मोबाइल रिडाइल गरेर हेर्थे अब त मैले कसैसँग सम्बन्ध राखेको छ कि भनेर पेन्टी हेर्छन् ।’

‘श्रीमतीको चरित्रमा शंका गर्ने यो कडा किसिमको मनोरोगको एउटा रूप हो,’ त्रिवि शिक्षण अस्पताल मानसिक रोग विभागका प्रमुख प्रा.डा. विद्यादेव शर्मा भन्छन्, ‘कोहीसँग बोल्न नदिने, गुप्तचरी गर्नेबाट सुरु हुँदै अन्ततः पेन्टी चेक गर्नेसम्म हुन्छ्न् ।’ उनका अनुसार यो रोग पीडितले अन्नतः पत्नीलाई मार्ने प्रयाससम्म गर्न सक्छन् । उपचारपछि यो रोगलाई नियन्त्रणमा राख्न सकिन्छ ।

चरित्रमाथि शंका गर्ने यो रोगलाई बोलचालमा ‘ओथेलो सिन्ड्रोम’ भनिन्छ । यो शब्द सेक्सपियरको उपन्यास ‘ओथेलो’ बाट आएका हो, जसको एक पात्रले शंकाका कारण आफ्नो प्रेमिकाको हत्या गर्छन् । यो रोग महिला र पुरुष दुवैलाई हुने भए पनि पुरुषमा भने सर्वव्यापी छ । प्रा.डा. शर्मा यो रोग प्रायः रक्सी दुव्यर्सनी पुरुषलाई हुने गरेको बताउँछन् । तर हरेक पुरुषमा यस्तो देखिए मानसिक रोगी नै हुन भन्ने हुँदैन । केही दम्पतीका गतिविधिले आपसमा शंका हुनु जायजसमेत हुने गरेको छ । हरेक रोग प्याथोलोजिकल नहुने उल्लेख गर्दै प्रा.डा.शर्मा भन्छन्, ‘तर अधिकांशमा यो रोगकै लक्षण हुन्छ ।’

जीवनसाथीको चरित्रमा शंका गर्नुपछाडि मानसिक रोग ओथेलो सिन्ड्रोम वा ‘डिल्युजनल डिसअर्डर जेलस’ ले काम गर्छ । महिलाको दाँजोमा पुरुष यो मनोरोगले बढी ग्रसित भए पनि यसमा समेत अन्तर्मुखी पुरुषमा यो रोग बढी देखिने गरिएको छ ।

चिकित्सा तथ्यपत्रअनुसार यो रोग हुने थुप्रै कारण छन् । साइकोएनालिटिकली कारणमा भने अजागृत मनमा समलैंगिक भावनालाई रोगीले दबाउने प्रयास गर्छ । तब उसलाई आफ्नो जीवनसाथीप्रति शंका हुन्छ । यस्तै पारिवारिक कारणमा भने बाल्यकालमा अभिभावकको अति नियन्त्रण, बुबाको अनुपस्थिति जस्तो स्थितिबाट गुजि्रएका व्यक्तिमा यस्ता रोगको लक्षण देखिन सक्छ ।

स्वम्भवतः पढेलेखेका बुद्घिमान् भए पनि केही व्यक्ति अन्तर्मुखी स्वभावका हुन्छन् । यस्ता व्यक्तिसमेत आफ्नो जीवनसाथीप्रति शंकालु बन्ने गरेका छन् । प्रा.डा. शर्माका अनुसार यो मानसिक असन्तुलनअन्तर्गत लोग्नेले यौनसाथी अविश्वासी रहेको भ्रममा विश्वास गर्न थाल्छ । रोगीलाई आफ्नी श्रीमतीका हरेक क्रियाकलापबाट आफूले विश्वास गर्दै आएको भ्रमलाई नै बलियो बनाउने आधार हेर्न थाल्छ ।

यो रोगमा साथीको चरित्रमा सधैं शंका गर्नु प्रमुख लक्षण हो । यस्तै श्रीमतीको सधैं निगरानी गर्नु, पिछा गर्नु, बिनाकारण चरित्रमा आक्षेप लगाउनु पनि यो रोगको लक्षण हुन् । तर यो रोग प्रभावितले जीवन साथीसँग बारम्बार मारपिट गर्नु, रिसाउनु कुनै कुरा नसुन्ने गरे पनि अन्य व्यक्तिसँग भने सामान्य व्यहार नै गर्छन् । यस्तो मनोरोगीको उपचार धेरै जटिल र चुनौतीपूर्ण छ । साइकोथेरापीले लाभ भए पनि मनोरोगीलाई भने यसका लागि तयार हुनुपर्छ । आवश्यकताअनुसार एन्टि-डिप्रेसेन्ट औषधि दिइन्छ । उपचारमा परिवारको सहयोग धेरै फायदाकारी हुन्छ ।

मनोरोग मस्तिष्कमा रासायनिक असन्तुलनले गर्दा उत्पन्न हुन्छ । अन्य रोगजस्तै यो पनि आन्तरिक स्तरमा जैविक असन्तुलनले गर्दा हुन्छ । मानसिक रोग विशेषज्ञद्वारा दिइएको औषधि अवश्य सेवन गर्नुपर्छ । मानसिक रोग विशेषज्ञ डा. लुमेश्वर आचार्यका अनुसार यो रोगबाट रक्सीका अम्मलीहरू बढी प्रभावित हुन्छन् ।

‘यो रोग प्रभावित लोग्ने मान्छेले आफूलाई बिरामी मान्दैन,’ प्रा.डा. शर्मा भन्छन्, ‘यो रोगमा थाहा नहुनेगरी खुवाउन सकिने औषधिसमेत हुन्छन् ।’ लोग्ने उपचारका लागि आउन नमाने पनि उपचार हुने उल्लेख गर्दै प्र्रा.डा. शर्मा भन्छन् श्रीमतीले आफ्ना रोगी श्रीमान्को विस्तृत इतिहास बताएर मनोरोग विशेषज्ञको परामर्शमा उपचार गराउन सकिन्छ ।

हावर्ड मेडिकल स्कुलको तथ्यपत्रअनुसार ‘डिल्युजन डिसअर्डर’ को ईष्र्या खण्डअन्तर्गत आफ्नो डिल्युजन डिसअर्डर हुने जोखिम एक हजारमा एकजनालाई हुन्छ । यसको कारण भने थाहा हुन सकेको छैन । यो रोग हुने थोरैमा नपुंसकतासमेत हुने बताइएको छ । आफू सक्षम नभएपछि आफ्नो यौनसाथीमा शंका गर्न लाग्छ । अन्तमा श्रीमतीलाई प्रताडित गर्न थाल्छ । यस्तै अर्को प्रकारको शंकासम्बन्धी मानसिक रोग सिजोप|mेनियाका रोगीमा समेत यस्तो समस्या देखिन सक्छ । यस्तै नशाको अत्यन्त अम्मल भएका स्थितिमा समेत शंकाको रोग हुने सम्भावना प्रा.डा.शर्मा औंल्याउँछन् ।

चिकित्सा तथ्यपत्रअनुसार ओथेलो सिन्ड्रोमको कारण हीन भावनासमेत हुन सक्छ । यौन सन्तुष्टिमा आफूलाई अक्षम पाउनेहरूको अवचेतन मनमा हीन भावना हुन्छ । यस्तो व्यक्ति शंका गर्न थाल्छन् । नभएको बेला ताक झाक, स-साना कुरालाई समेत शंकाको दायरामा ल्याउने बानी पर्छ । यसपछि ऊ पत्नीलाई दुःख दिन थाल्ने तथ्यपत्रमा उल्लेख छ । यस्तै, सुपर इगोसमेत यसको कारण हुन सक्छ । मानिस सामाजिक प्राणी भएको नाताले आदर्श नैतिकताको सुपर इगोसमेत राख्छ । शंकाको स्थितिमा सुपर इगो ध्वस्त हुन्छ र मूल प्रवृत्ति एवं दमित इच्छा प्रकट हुन थाल्दा यो समस्या देखिने गरिएको मनोचिकित्सकहरू बताउँछन् ।

यस्तै, बन्द समाज खुल्लामा परिवर्तन भएपछि देखिने गरिएको मानसिकद्वन्दसमेत यो रोगको कारण हुन सक्छ । समाजमा आफूलाई प्रगतिशील देखाउन पत्नी र महिला आफन्तलाई खुलापनको छुट दिए पनि चिन्तनस्तर धेरै संकुचित हुने व्यक्तिसमेत छन् । यस्ता व्यक्तिको मनमा यस्तो स्थितिले द्वन्द्व चलिरहन्छ । अन्ततः ऊ शंकाले ग्रस्त भएर यो रोगबाट प्रभावित हुन्छ ।

रोचक जानकारी

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 पैसाको लोभमा मान्छे कत्रा- कत्रा अपराध गर्न पछि पर्दैनन् । त्यस्ताले सिक्नुपर्छ अनुजाबाट, जसले भेट्टाएको ९१ लाख रुपैयाँ र हीराको हार सम्बन्धित व्यक्ति पत्ता लगाइकन फिर्ता दिइन् ।

काठमाडौं सीतापाइलाका ६५ वषर्ीय पुरुषोत्तम पौडेलले आईएमईबाट इटहरी पैसा पठाए । भोलिपल्ट आएर उनैले बुझे र जेठी छोरी सुधा पोखरेललाई घर किन्न पुर्‍याइदिन धरान जाने बस चढे । हतारमा बसबाट उत्रने क्रममा झोला सिटमै छुटेको पत्तै पाएनन् ।

भोजपुर, भुल्के घर भई धरान बस्दै आएकी २२ वषर्ीया अनुजा बानियाँले कालो झोला देखिन् । कसको ? भन्दै कराइन् । कसैले ‘मेरो’ भनेनन् । अनि, लिएर गइन् । घरमा खोलेर हेर्दा आत्तिइन् । झोलामा त ९१ लाख रुपैयाँ नगद र हीराको हार पो रहेछ ! घटना चैत २६ गतेको हो ।

मामा-माइजूसाथ बस्दै आएकी अनुजाले त्यो झोला फिर्ता गर्ने निर्णय गरिन् । र, ब्यागमा रहेका कागजपत्रमा बल्लतल्ल फोन नम्बर भेट्टाएर २८ गते खबर गरिदिइन् ।

त्यत्रो पैसा हराएका पौडेल होस हवास हराएजस्ता भई प्रहरीलाई समेत खबर नगरी काठमाडौं फर्किसकेका थिए । पौडेलकी मीतछोरी अनिता कार्कीका अनुसार अनुजासँग सम्पर्क भएकै भोलिपल्ट काठमाडौंबाट पौडेल आए । र, अनुजाले भानुचोकमा लगेर झोला जस्ताको तस्तै फिर्ता दिइन् ।

पैसा बुझ्न मीत बुवासँगै पुगेकी अनिताका अनुसार पौडेलले गद्गद् भई उनलाई पुरस्कारस्वरूप दुई लाख रुपैयाँ दिन खोजे । तर लिन मानिनन् । हीराको हार दिन चाहे, त्यो पनि लिइनन् ।

पौडेलका एक छोरा र ज्वाइँ अमेरिकामा छन् । पैसा छोरीको घर किन्न उतैबाट पठाइएको थियो ।

अनुजाले भने खास कुरा गर्न चाहिनन् । ‘भोजपुर भुल्के गाविस, बुवा ज्ञानेन्द्र बानियाँ, आमा भगवती,’ मात्र यति भनिन्, ‘म सामान्य पढालेखा युवती हुँ ।’

‘सर्वस्व नै फिर्ता भयो,’ पौडेलकी छोरी सुधाले भनिन्, ‘कसरी बताउने, मानिसले पत्याउँदैनन् ।’ घटनापछि बुबाले काठमाडौंमा घर लिन सल्लाह दिएको र त्यसका लागि उता जाने तयारी गरेको उनले बताइन् । पौडेलका इटहरी बस्ने अर्का छोरा अनिलले फोनमा भने, ‘घटना साँचो हो, सुन्दा पत्याउन गाह्रो लाग्ला ।

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Mothers are out of options, not 'opting out'

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In the United States, mothers are increasingly finding themselves stuck between a rock and a hard place.
'The choice that is not really a choice' is one of the oldest tricks in parenting. Anticipating a tantrum or endless dawdling, the parent offers the babt a limited set of options: 'Would you like to wear the red shirt or the blue shirt? Would you like the carrots or the apple? It's your choice.'
The baby, being a child, feels empowered. He is the one in control; he gets to make the big decisions. But this deception only lasts for so long. Eventually the child grows older and starts to dream beyond his proscriptions. He realises there are not only two options, but a world of dazzling variety. He demands to be part of this world, but his requests are denied. He realises he never had options after all, but that choice itself was an illusion produced by the powerful.

If only his mother would realise the same.

On August 7, the New York Times ran an article called 'The Opt Out Generation Wants Back In' - a follow-up to a 2003 story about highly accomplished, well-educated American women who left the workforce to stay at home with their children. Ten years later, the mothers are seeking work that befits their abilities but most are unable to find it, causing them to question their original decision.
Freshers struggle to land jobs in US.

The NewYork Times piece frames the mothers' misgivings as a result of questionable planning and poor marriage partners, paying mere lip service to the tremendous change in the economy over the past ten years. Whether to work or stay at home is presented as an option that has to do with personal fulfillment and childrearing preferences, divorced from fiscal limitations.

But for nearly all women, from upper middle-class to poor, the "choice" of whether to work is not a choice, but an economic bargain struck out of fear and necessity. Since 2008, the costs of childbirth, childcare, health care, and education have soared, while wages have stagnated and full-time jobs have been supplanted by part-time, benefit-free contingency labour.

The assumed divide between mothers who work inside and outside the home is presented as a war of priorities. But in an economy of high debt and sinking wages, nearly all mothers live on the edge. Choices made out of fear are not really choices. The illusion of choice is a way to blame mothers for an economic system rigged against them. There are no "mommy wars", only money wars - and almost everyone is losing.

The media present a woman's fear of losing her career as the fear of losing herself. But the greatest fear of most mothers is not being able to provide for their children. Mothers with high-paying jobs go back to work to earn money for their kids. Married mothers with low-paying jobs quit to save money for their kids. Single mothers struggle to find work that pays enough to support their kids. Self-fulfillment is a low priority in an economy fuelled by worker insecurity.