Showing posts with label sex tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label sex tips. Show all posts

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Dancing with Charles better than sex: Emma Thompson

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Emma Thompson has said that dancing with Prince Charles is "better than sex".

Thompson made the comment in a Time magazine feature on the 64-year-old heir to the British throne, reported.

The article also revealed that the Prince of Wales staged a dress rehearsal to teach Prince William the intricacies of hosting an investiture, and it included a sword being sent especially from London.

Charles held the trial run for William during a family holiday at Birkhall in Scotland last month, ahead of William's first investiture ceremony last week at Buckingham Palace.

The heir to the throne taught his son how to dub a new knight with a blade and the training proved successful, as the ceremony apparently passed off without any problems.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Porn vs. Real Sex: Video Compares Sex Fantasy With Reality

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This may come as a shocker, but porn is different from real sex.
Thanks to the Internet, porn is everywhere, and that sets many of us up for some unrealistic expectations in the horizontal hustle.

While real sex can be a passion-filled journey sending sky rockets in flight, some afternoons don't end in delight, just some extremely awkward moments.

New York film production company Kornhaber Brown compares porn stars and regular Joes, side by side. Of course, they need a lot of bananas, sliced papaya and other food as stand-ins for those body parts that make porn stars famous.

The video quotes some startling -- and disturbing -- facts. One that jumps out: "In real life 75 percent of men ejaculate within 3 minutes."

Perhaps that's why, "71 percent of all women can't orgasm through penetration."

Indeed, porn sometimes seems to make real sex seem like really lame sex.

Huffpost contacted Kornhaber Brown for the sources of that info. A spokeswoman was less than forthcoming.

"While the stats are based on credible sources, such as Jon Millward's Deep Inside study, we'd rather stay out of a discussion about scientific, sexual health or social impact issues." Gillian Weeks, Head of Sales and Development said in an email.

"We just made this for fun."

Then again, how much fun can you have in three minutes?


What Happened When I Had Sex Every Day For A Year

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I just had sex every day for a year, and I didn't tell you about it.
But I did video tape it, so check it out -> here!
Just kidding.

I wasn't even sure I was going to go into it, but here we are. *pats the empty space on the couch*

It was the email that never made the emails, mostly because it was the kind of truth that stung a little too much.Well, shit.

The fact is, I am horrible at intimacy. I come from a family of non-huggers and I sometimes hate my body, so yeah, recipe for Temple Grandin hug machine. My husband is gorgeous and very, very sexy, but the issues we were having in the sack were all me. I could not shut my insecurity off, and sex quickly became a really anxiety-inducing experience that went one of two ways.

1. I avoided it, because it was hot and stressful hiding my body under two comforters and a snowsuit in the dark and instead ran a diversion play. I have cramps. I have too many deadlines. Gigi is too scared to sleep alone let's bring her in the bed with us. Yeah, I used a 4-year-old as the most adorable cock-block ever. You can't be in sex mode after reading three Fancy Nancy books, you just can't.

2. I tried to explain to him why I was self conscious, and then he asked why him telling me how pretty I was wasn't enough for me to get over it, and I felt like a horrible, horrible asshole.

So after a lot of crying and shrimp curry, I came up with the plan to have sex every day for a year, barring any medical problems or logistical issues, and he seemed to be pretty okay with it. I wish it could say it was a profound decision, but the truth is, I was getting worried he was losing interest because I acted uninterested out of insecurity, and he was getting nervous about me saying things like, how awesome do separate bedrooms sound!?

(Spoiler alert: I still vote separate bedrooms, but he's a snorer and sleep chewer who is vehemently against the color mint and my need for body pillows.)

We figured if we focused on intimacy, eventually it'd rekindle all the things we spent sevenish post-birth years back burner'ing out of sheer exhaustion and raging insecurity. This is the same way I got over my fear of eating oysters and driving in the snow. You just make yourself do it until you don't notice it feels like mucus or like you don't know how to control a motor vehicle. You make yourself do it until it becomes a place of comfort and safety. You make yourself do it until suddenly, you love it.

Now I can't speak for Andy, except to say he had a really good time, but for me, a year of sex became less about getting my sex on, and more about getting my brain to stop being an asshole when I took all my clothes off.

It started off pretty rough. I felt like I was always preparing for sex; Whore's Bath & Sink Shaving Badge #5: UNLOCKED. It got to the end of the day, and as I hunched over the sink washing my face, praying for cold sheets and sleep, I'd realize I still had the whole love-making thing to do, and it was like, awesome, another daily chore.

But then it stopped being a chore, and became the moment of the day where I was most at peace. Where I could have an actual conversation with my husband and know he was listening to me and not secretly watching television or elbow deep in Lego assembly.

I told a few friends, and they reacted pretty much the same way, oh I could never do that. And I totally get it, but I actually learned a lot about myself between the sheets.

It's not you, it's me. Stop being weird about it.

So I disliked my stomach. My thighs. How I looked laying flat on my back. A myriad of irrational things, really, and I'd have the same conversation with Andy about it, telling him I'm self conscious and I just don't feel sexy, and then he'd spend 10 minutes telling me how gorgeous I am, and then another 30 minutes pouting and being hurt that it wasn't enough to make me change my mind. So on top of feeling insecure, I felt like a jerk. That needed to stop. I needed to explain to him that him seeing me that way is great, but unless I saw it too, it didn't count. I mean, at least if he expected me to be an active participant and not just a hole laying on the mattress. It took a lot of talking to make him realize that me not feeling sexy was not an attack on him, and him being hurt about it only made me feel worse. I wanted to enjoy sex, too. And the key for me being able to enjoy it is feeling confident and gorgeous, and that was a me journey, not a him journey, though having a cheerleader on the sidelines was a plus.

We quickly learned, confident Brittany sex is way better.

Pretty panties make me happy.

It's no secret that I love fashion and playing dress up, but I found that when I was at home in mom/wife/muggle/couch mode, I was opting for ease. And that's fine. Seriously, I am not some bitch here telling you to wear heels to the grocery store or pants to school pick up when you aren't even getting out of the car and it's a total waste of clean pants. But one day I was getting dressed for an outside wedding shower in 90 degree heat, and decided to forgo shapewear for regular underwear, when I realized the only underwear I owned was either ratty maternity underwear or cheap 99 cent briefs I grabbed at the end of a Walmart aisle to get me through my period week. No wonder I didn't feel sexy, I had the undergarments of an incontinent nursing home patient.

So I went to Cacique and stocked up on 5 for $25 panties. Some were plain and some were lacy, and when I wore them they looked so pretty across my hips. I'd even find myself walking from my closet to the bathroom wearing them, a stark contract to the primal run I did covered in a towel with my spanx shoved into a ball of clothes in my hands when I thought Andy wasn't paying attention.

I went back to buy more underwear, and even some cute lingerie that I tried on in the store and sent photos of to Andy at work. Needless to say, he was excited, but it was more than that. The effort I put into wearing the cute panties, even if they were under a pair of jeans or sweat shorts, made me feel insanely gorgeous, and my brain needed that.

I am my own sex advocate.

I like being on my knees and I'm not an inside climaxer, I'm an outside climaxer. I do like oral sex, but I don't like having my nipples touched, because they are numb. I also hate having breath on my neck because I am extremely ticklish, and then I get goosebumps and my leg hair grows in too fast. Please stop doing that.

All that? I had to work on being okay saying all that out loud, and get over the idea that I was being a selfish, demanding nympho. I deserve good sex as much as he does, and instead of waiting around for him to figure it out, which is totally unfair to guys by the way, I had to find my voice and use it.

Coincidentally, it was a major turn on. Who knew?

Now what, nympho?

We're not hell-bent on doing it every day anymore, but we definitely make more of an effort, and it helped us be a lot more open with each other. I mean, if you have "ball shaving" as a monthly google calendar alert, it's safe to say you're comfortable talking about almost anything.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

मिडल ऐजका महिला सेक्स्युअल्ली बढी एक्टिभ

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लण्डन । महिला ४० वर्ष वरपरको उमेरमा बढी यौन आनन्द लिने गर्दछन् । यस्तो यस कारण हुन्छ कि उमेरको तीसौ दशकको अन्तिम वर्षमा उनीहरु सेक्स्युअल्ली बढी सक्रिय हुन्छन् । यस उमेरमा महिलाहरु बढीभन्दा बढी यौन आनन्द लिन चाहन्छन्।

पर्सनलिटि एण्ड इन्डिभिज्युअल डिफरेन्सेस नामक जर्नलमा प्रकाशित रिपोर्टका अनुसार ४० वर्षको उमेर नजिक पुगेपछि महिलाहरु थाहा हुन्छ कि आफ्नो बायोलजिकल क्लाकको अन्तिम समय नजिक छ। महिलाहरुलाई यतिबेला लाग्दछ कि बच्चा जन्माउने आफ्नो क्षमता अर्थात ‘विन्डो अफ अपरच्युनिटी’ अब चाँडै समाप्त हुनेछ।

नयाँ अध्ययनका अनुसार महिलाहरु आफ्नो ३० दशकमा र ४० को सुरुवाती वर्षहरुमा सेक्स्युअल्ली फ्यान्ट्यासी र अफेयर्सलाई लिएर जवानीका दिनहरुमा भन्दा बढी सक्रिय रहन्छन् ।

९०० महिलामा गरिएको सर्भेबाट यो तथ्य सार्वजनिक भएको छ कि उमेरको यो अवस्थामा महिलाहरुमा सेक्सको इच्छासमेत बढ्दछ। सर्भेमा महिलाहरुलाई तीन ग्रुप बाँडिएको थियो । पहिलो समूहमा १९ देखि २६ वर्षका महिला -जसको फर्टिलिटी निकै बलियो हुन्छ), दोस्रो समूहमा २७ देखि ४५ वर्ष उमेर समूहका महिला -जसको फर्टिलिटी क्षमता बढ्दो हुन्छ) र तेस्रो समूहमा तीम महिलाहरुलाई राखिएको थियो जो मीनोपांजबाट गुज्रीरहेका छन् या पुनः मिनोपांजसम्म पुग्नै लागेका छन् । सर्भेमा प्रौढ उमेरका महिलाहरु सेक्सप्रति बढी सक्रिय र इच्छुक पाइएको थियो ।

सेक्स सम्बन्धी केही रोचक तथ्य |

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हालैको एक सर्भेक्षणले विवाहित जोडीका सेक्स सम्बन्धी केही रोचक तथ्य फेला पारेको छ । आइ भिलेज भन्ने वेबसाइटले गरेको सर्भेक्षणमा केही त्यस्ता सेक्स सेक्रेट फेला परे जुन निम्न छन्:

-६८ प्रतिशत पुरुषले आफ्नो सबैभन्दा उत्तम सेक्स पार्टनर केटीसँग विवाह गर्छन् जबकी आफ्नो वेस्ट सेक्सुअल पार्टनरसँग विहे गर्ने केटीहरुको संख्या भने ४५ प्रतिशत मात्र हुन्छ ।

-पुरुषका औषतमा ६ देखि १० जनासम्म यौनसाथी हुन्छन् जबकी महिलाका बढिमा२ देखि ५ मात्र । १९ प्रतिशत पुरुष तथा महिलाका केवल १ जनामात्र सेक्स पार्टनर हुन्छन्।

-४२ प्रतिशत महिलालाई आफ्नो श्रीमानले अनलाइनमा अश्लील चिजहरु हेरेको पत्तो नै हुँदैन । यस्तै ६३ प्रतिशत विवाहित महिला आफुले कहिल्यै पोर्न सामाग्री नहेरेको ढोँग गर्छन् ।

-७९ प्रतिशत पुरुषले आफ्नी श्रीमती सेक्सबाट सन्तुष्ट रहेकोमा ढुक्क हुन्छन् तर यसरी यौनसुख पाएँ भन्ने महिला केवल ६१ प्रतिशत मात्र हुन्छन् ।
-५५ प्रतिशत महिलालाई मात्र आफ्नो लोग्ने आफुसँगको सेक्सबाट सन्तुष्ट रहेको लाग्छ तर पत्नीसँगको सम्भोगबाट सन्तुष्ट छु भन्ने पुरुषहरु ७९ प्रतिशत छन् ।

-५२ प्रतिशत महिला तथा ४९ प्रतिशत पुरुषहरु बच्चा जन्मेपछि आफ्नो सेक्स लाइफ ध्वस्त भएको ठान्छन् ।

-४२ प्रतिशत पुरुष ओछ्यानमा महिलाले सेक्सको पहिलो प्रयास गरोस् भन्ने चाहन्छन् ।

४१ प्रतिशत पुरुषले मुखमैथुनको इच्छा राख्छन् भने ३० प्रतिशतले मलद्धार सेक्समा रुची राख्छन् ।

३५ प्रतिशत महिला लामो पाकक्रिडा चाहन्छन्, केवल २२ प्रतिशत महिलालाई मात्र मुख मैथुनमा इच्छा लाग्छ ।

-श्रीमतीको तुलनामा श्रीमान बढि शंकालु हुन्छन् । आफ्नी श्रीमती कसैसँग सल्केकी छे की ? भनेर ३४ प्रतिशत पुरुषले श्रीमतीको मोबाइल चेक गर्छन् भने यसरी लोगनेमाथि शंका लागेर मोबाइल चेक गर्ने महिला केवल २० प्रतिशत मात्र हुन्छन् ।

Monday, September 2, 2013

''सेक्स गर्दा सम्मा चुरोट चाहिने यि धरानी युवतिको ताल हेर्नुहोस् भिडियो''

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''सेक्स गर्दा सम्मा चुरोट चाहिने यि धरानी युवतिको ताल हेर्नुहोस् भिडियो''


नेपाली केटीको बिदेशी केटासंगको सेक्स भिडियो (भिडियो हेर्नुहोस)

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(भिडियो गोप्य राखिएको हुनाले तलको बक्सभित्र क्लिक गरेपछि मात्र खुल्नेछ)


Wednesday, August 21, 2013

A teacher accused of having sex with 15-y-o male student

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Kalee Warnick, a 22-year-old English teacher at Wall High School, was arrested Tuesday on charges of aggravated criminal sexual contact and having a sexual relationship with a minor. Her attorney said she will plead not guilty.
An English teacher in Wall, N.J., has been accused of having a sexual relationship with a 15-year-old student.
Kalee Warnick, 22, was arrested Tuesday on charges of third-degree aggravated criminal sexual contact and second-degree having a sexual relationship with a minor, according to the Asbury Park Press.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Air Sex Championships:

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Men & Women Simulate Their Favorite Positions an Air Sex Championships:

" Air Sex World Championships "
Air Sex World Championships
Mary Sledd

A Mickey Mouse Act of Lust at the Air Sex Championships
" Mickey Mouse Man at Air Sex Championships: Austin "

Mickey Mouse Man at Air Sex Championships: Austin
Mary Sledd

It doesn't take much imagination to guess what act this woman is simulating... and it's not stealing gasoline.

This is one of the competitors at the Air Sex World Championships event in Austin, Texas at the Alamo Drafthouse.

Sparks can fly during air sex.
Joel Kieth

Insects Have Gay Sex Why?

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Insect sex may seem fairly simple: fluttering dances, clasping abdomens, a quick mount on a forest floor. But a new review of homosexual insect encounters suggests the acts may not be that straightforward for the individuals involved.

Researchers have widely examined homosexual behavior in mammals and birds, but have addressed it less frequently in insects and spiders. To assess the range of evolutionary explanations for same-sex intercourse in the invertebrate world, a team of biologists from Tel Aviv University in Israel and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, Switzerland examined roughly 100 existing studies on the topic and compiled the first comprehensive review of homosexuality in invertebrates. The review was published earlier this month in the journal Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology.
The team focused on male-male interactions to simplify the analysis, and found that most of these encounters occurred as accidents. Whereas larger animals have developed more complicated homosexual motivations — like maintaining alliances, which has been found in certain primate and seagull species — insects seem to mistakenly partake in it in a hasty attempt to secure mates. [Gay Animals: Alternate Lifestyles in the Wild]

"They have evolved to mate quick and dirty," said study co-author Inon Scharf, an evolutionary ecologist at Tel Aviv University. "They grab every opportunity to mate that they have because, if they become slow, they may give up an opportunity to mate."

Desperate mates

In some cases, males carry around the scent of females they have just mated with, sending confusing signals to other perusing males. In other cases, males and females look so similar to one another that males cannot tell if a potential mate is a female until he mounts "her" and prepares for the act, Scharf said.

The glass bottle "looks like a huge female to them," Scharf said. "They just try to mate with whatever gives them a vague impression of an opportunity."
Sometimes, such extreme indiscrimination leads to mating with inanimate objects, as has been observed in beetles trying to mount glass bottles.
Other studies do, however, show evidence of more intentional and malicious motivations behind homosexual insect sex. Male butterflies, moths and wasps, for example, use same-sex encounters to distract competitors from potential female mates. Certain beetles have even been found to use same-sex mounting as a way to spread sperm to other males that may then pass it along to the next female he mounts, though this mechanism does not appear to be very effective.
Since male insect anatomy is not designed to accept male genitals, improper penetration can cause bodily damage in aggressively competing mates. This anatomy blocker is not a problem for all species, since not all insect sex involves penetration. Even so, one study found that certain male insects have developed femalelike genitals to lower the risk of damage from homosexual penetration.

Is insect sex pleasurable?

On the other hand, female-female homosexuality appears to have a separate set of motivations, and deserves a whole separate analysis, Scharf said. In general, female-female interactions seem more intentional than male-male interactions. In fact, one study found that certain female beetles mount each other to look larger and attract more male mates.
The frequency of homosexual behavior in the insect world also remains unclear; however, more cases have been observed in the lab than in the field. This could indicate that the behavior occurs during stressful or isolating conditions, Scharf said, but more work is needed to confirm this idea.
"I don't know if they enjoy things or not, or if they feel fear," Scharf said. "They have some stress hormones — and they sense it — but whether you can define this as fear, pleasure or pain is very difficult to say."
And while the possibility that any sort of sexual encounter could induce pleasure in insects may seem unlikely, Scharf does not rule it out.
The team next hopes to conduct experimental studies on a species of beetle to determine how homosexual behavior affects different aspects of the animal's life, and whether the behavior is linked to any other specific types of behaviors.

Monday, July 29, 2013

One night away may improve your sex life

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 Looking to get closer to your significant other?
Ironically, some time apart might do you some good. According to a new study, people who work away from home actually have more sex with their partner.
Blue Rainbow Apartments conducted the study and found that 7 out of 10 couples get it on the night before a business trip and then again upon a return. Fifty-four percent of subjects said being apart is a turn-on.

Couples who spend one to two nights away from home per month have sex 110 times a year. To compare, that’s almost twice as much as the rest of us.

Defiant Jasmine: It’s right I had a sex change op in prison

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Defiant Jasmine: It’s right I had a sex change op in prison
'Ideal body' ... Jasmine after swap

Friday, April 26, 2013

Passion throughout a lifetime: Sexuality and ageism

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The advent of the Silver Tsunami will challenge perceptions about human sexuality and aging in today’s youth oriented society. Photo: MSN Image Library

    Reshaping America by embracing the truth about obesity
        Transcending Politics: Former President Bush's recent surgery
Valuing America's children: Breaking free from childhood obesity

The advent of the Silver Tsunami will challenge perceptions about human sexuality and aging in today’s youth oriented society.

10,000 Americans turn 65 each day, resulting in an unprecedented population of older adults in the US.

SEE RELATED: Transcending Politics: Former President Bush’s recent surgery

According to the National Register of Health Service Psychologists, “One out of every six Americans will be over the age of 65 by the year 2020. In the case of older adults and sexuality, older people are stereotyped as being non-sexual beings who should not, cannot, and do not want to have sex.”

Ageism is “the stereotyping of and discrimination against people simply because of their age,” according to the 2013 Older Adult Sexuality Reference on But it may soon become a stigma of the past.

Our society will be forced to accommodate vast demographic, economic, political and social phenomena, including coming to terms with the fundamental human need of older adults for intimacy.

People who are married have greater frequency of sex than those who are single., in a 2008 report, highlighted the following statistics:

Monday, April 22, 2013

Norwegian woman sex case is pardoned in Dubai

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Norwegian Marte Deborah Dalelv had been imprisoned for falsely reporting a rape, drinking and and having consensual sex
     The lawyer of 24-year-old Marte Deborah Dalelv told Gulf News that he and his client went to the Dubai Public Prosecution office today, where they were informed that the Dubai government had granted her a pardon.
The Dubai Misdemeanour Court handed Marte Deborah Dalelv, a three-month imprisonment for falsely reporting to police that she was raped, a month’s imprisonment for drinking and 12 months for having consensual sex.
Dubai: A Norwegian woman at the centre of a sex case in Dubai has been pardoned, her lawyer confirmed to Gulf News.
Mahmoud Azad Abu Gareda said Marte’s 33-year-old Sudanese boss, H.A., who was jailed for 13 months for consuming liquor and having consensual sex, had also been pardoned.
Following the pardon, Abu Gareda said Dalelv has dropped an earlier appeal against the primary verdict.
The lawyer said they are approaching immigration officials to get the violations against Marte cancelled and arrange for her departure from the country, considering that she has received her passport back.
A confirmation from Essam Al Humaidan, Dubai Attorney General, could not be obtained.
Earlier, the Dubai Misdemeanour Court handed Marte a three-month imprisonment for falsely reporting to police that she was raped, a month’s imprisonment for drinking and 12 months for having consensual sex.
When she appeared in the courtroom, she admitted to drinking alcohol but denied having consensual sex and falsely reporting to police that she was raped on March 6.