Showing posts with label film. Show all posts
Showing posts with label film. Show all posts

Sunday, October 27, 2013

I don’t see myself sexy – Nepali actress Nita Dhungana -

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I don’t see myself sexy – Nepali actress Nita Dhungana -
In an interview with an online magazine, dcnepal, Nepali actress Nita Dhungana has told that she doesn’t consider herself sexy.

It has been quite some time Nita has been doing Nepali movies. Nita was appreciated for her role in a recently released movie ‘Notebook’. She was also nominated for the Popular Actress category in OFA 2070 awards.
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    neeta dhungana in hot saree.

The interview was taken while she was choosing a dresses for her role in an upcoming movie ‘Chha Ekan Chha’ that is going to floor in a week. Nita told that she generally likes casual dresses. For parties she prefers saree. She sure looks sexy in saree!

I don’t see myself sexy – Nepali actress Nita Dhungana - See more at:
I don’t see myself sexy – Nepali actress Nita Dhungana - See more at:

टङकिस र बेडसिन – नेपाली सिनेमामा

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Nepali movies have been a lot more liberal lately. The actress in old movies used to be fully covered and they tried to be as decent as possible in those days. Even with such decency, so-called higher society girls used to consider acting as an indecent job.

But time has changed these days. The actress have become more liberal in shedding their clothes and pose for more intimate positions in screen. Kiss and bed-scenes, considered taboo a few years back, have been accepted as normal these days.

२० पचाउन गाह्रो हुने नेपाली फिल्मका सीनहरु

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Here are the collection of 20 scenes that can be known in advance when we go to see Nepali movies. The 10 most popular ones are:

1. The Hero and Heroine collide and the books fall down
2. The Hero and Heroine look on each others eyes – forever
3. The Heroine bathes in a waterfall
4. The sawl of Heroine lands on Hero’s hand
5. The Hero drinks milk before going to bed
6. Sex scenes in dark
7. An actor loses memory after falling in river
8. A villager in the city finds it very difficult to cross the road
9. Operation is very costly
10. A person talks non-stop before dying.

More in Nepali follows:

दीपेन्द्र लामाले एउटा धेरै राम्रो लेख लेख्नु भएको छ नागरिकमा – नेपाली फिल्मका पचाउन नसकिने दृश्यहरु जुन प्राय सबै जस्तो फिल्म मा राखिन्छन।

अब लामाको सुझाब मान्ने हो भने तेस्तो फिल्म हेर्न जादा पाचक लिएर जानु पर्छ ।

    जे आउँछ मज्जाले पचाउँछ। यो एउटा पाचकको व्यापारिक नारा हो, जुन नेपाली फिल्मलाई पनि लागु हुन्छ। अझ, त्यो पाचकले भन्दा नेपाली फिल्मले नै बढी पचाउँछ होला। हिन्दी फिल्मले पचाउन नसकेर परित्याग गरेका बासी ‘खुराक’हरू नेपाली फिल्मले अझै पचाइरहेको छ।

    जति बासी खुराक ‘भोगचलन’ गरे पनि नेपाली फिल्म बनाउनेहरूको पेट यति सफा छ कि, आफूलाई पच्यो भन्दैमा सबैले पचाउँछन् भन्ने भ्रम उनीहरूमा पैदा भएको छ। हिन्दीमात्र होइन हलिउडका समेत चानचुने फिल्मलाई पचाउन नसक्ने हैसियत नेपाली दर्शकको बनिसकेको उनीहरूलाई पत्तो छैन। यस्तै हैसियत तपाई कोहीसित छ भने नेपाली फिल्म निर्मातासँग …मलाई त पचेन है’ भन्दै गुनासो नपोख्नुस् नि। फेरि तपाईलाई फिल्मको टिकटसँग ‘पाचक’ भिडाइदेलान्। आखिर, विगतमा उनीहरूले ‘पैसा खेर गएको सम्झेर रुने’हरूलाई आँसु पुछ्न रुमाल र ‘फिल्मभन्दा गीतै राम्रो’ भन्दै क्यासेट बाँडेकै हुन्।

    टिकट काटिहाल्नुभो र हातमा पाचक परिहाल्यो भने फिर्ता नगर्नुस्। फिल्म नसकुन्जेल पाचकलाई साथमा राख्नुस् र तल उल्लेख गरिएका दृश्यहरू आउँदा चुस्न थाल्नुस्। जे आउँछ मज्जाले पचाउँछ।