Showing posts with label health education. Show all posts
Showing posts with label health education. Show all posts

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Top 20 natural ways for great hair

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But, reality speaks a different story. Instead of spending on those branded shampoos and conditioners, Dr. Sandeep Suttar - Hair Restoration and Skin Rejuvenation surgeon at Hairrevive, Mumbai, shares some natural ways to get great hair. Follow these easy and simple steps to give that luster and shine to your hair, and flaunt your hair like the models do...

Egg treatment

Use the entire egg to condition your hair. If you have dry or brittle hair, use egg whites to moisturize your hair. Use ½ cup of any egg mixture (egg white, entire egg) and apply to clean, damp hair. Leave it for 20 minutes and rinse with cool water.

Cleanliness is important

The most important reason for hair fall is dandruff and itchy scalp. Therefore, maintain good cleanliness for beautiful and healthy hair.

Avoid hot water

Skip hot water showers, because hot water will make your hair dry and brittle as it strips protective oils from your hair - says Dr. Suttar. Thus, prefer a temperature which is just a bit warmer than your body temperature.

Bottle gourd treatment

Extract some bottle gourd juice and apply it into your hair. Keep this solution for half an hour and wash it off thoroughly.

For that shiny soft hair

Prepare a mixture of 1 cup of your daily conditioner and 2-3 tablespoons of honey. Apply this mixture evenly on your wet hair. Leave it for 30 minutes and wash it off thoroughly. This mixture will close down your hair's cuticle and give your hair that amazing shine.

Baking soda therapy

Make a mixture of 3 tbsp. of baking soda and some water. Rinse your hair with this solution after shampooing. Let it set in for at least 5 minutes before the final rinse. This therapy will help to remove the excess shampoo and styling product from your hair.

For bouncy hair

Apply a one to one mixture of warm water and apple cider vinegar to your hair. Rinse it thoroughly after 5 minutes to get rid of the apple cider smell.

Don't wash your hair frequently

Wash your hair every 2-3 days, for proper regulation of natural hair oils. Washing your hair less often will also help regain your hair's natural body and luster.

Make your conditioner

For a protein packed conditioner, mix eggs and yogurt and rub it into your scalp. Leave on for five or 10 minutes, and then wash it off completely.

For strong hair

Use almond oil to treat dry and damaged hair. It is a very simple procedure, pour some almond oil in a bowl and heat it for 40 seconds. Then evenly distribute on your hair. Leave it for 30 minutes and then rinse normally with shampoo and conditioner using cold water.

Say bye-bye to dull hair with lemon juice

After the final rinse, apply 1 tsbp lemon juice to your hair. Simply towel dry your hair and style as normal to get rid of dry hair.

Use protection before you jump into the pool

Pools can do great damage to your hair as it contains harsh chemicals - says Dr Suttar. He says; prevent your hair from the pool damage by simply applying a little conditioner to your hair before you swim. This will protect your hair before it comes in contact with the pool water.

Treat sun damaged hair

Make a mixture of ½ cup honey, 1-2 tbsp olive oil and 1-2 tbsp of egg yolk. Apply this mixture on your hair for 20 minutes and then rinse with warm water. This treatment will help to replenish keratin protein bonds - says Dr. Suttar.

Tight is NO-NO

To prevent breakage due to brittle hair avoid using bands and do not tie your hair too tightly.

The proper brushing technique

Avoid using a comb with plastic bristles to prevent hair breakage from static electricity. The best way to brush your hair is by first brushing the ends to remove tangles and then take the long stokes from the roots of the hair to the ends. This technique will help proper spreading of natural hair oil and thus prevent breakage.

Moisturize your hair

Pour a little beer in your wet hair. Distribute evenly and massage your scalp with your fingers for 20 minutes. Then rinse it thoroughly to get rid of the beer smell. Do this procedure once a week for salon smooth hair. Dr. Suttar says- it is recommended that people with sinus and cold should avoid using this treatment.

Trim your hair regularly

Get your hair trimmed at least every six weeks to eliminate dry, split ends.

Do not brush wet hair

Wet hair is three times weaker and thus more likely to break - says Dr. Suttar. He recommends, towel dry your hair first and then gently detangle your hair using a wide tooth comb.

Let your hair air-dry

Allow your hair to dry by itself instead of using a blow-dryer or hot rollers. Using this artificial mode of drying technique will make your hair more brittle and dry. If you have no time to let your hair air dry, then use blow-dryer sparingly and make sure you use a warm setting instead of a hot setting.

Good diet

Drink lots of water and eat a healthy diet of raw fruits and vegetables. The most effective home treatment for hair care is a healthy diet. You are what you eat, and what you put into your body will be reflected on the outside.


3 Simple steps to look your best

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Nails care
Looking good isn't just about wearing good or fancy clothes. It's about being well groomed as well. Nail care should be an important and essential part of your beauty regimen. Today, nail art is a growing industry with thousands of takers.

And nail art is no longer an expensive process — it is reasonable affordable. One tip that you must remember is that whether you have long or short nails, always keep them clean. Add some colour to your rainy days by opting for bright colours or jazz up your nails with some pretty floral or animal prints. Glitter and diamond stick-ons are some other options. Go in for monthly manicures and pedicures.

Hair care
It is never too late to give yourself a new look. Dark colours are in vogue just now. Go on for a dual colour tone, where the darker colour is underneath and a lighter colour covers the crown area or vice versa. Side step bangs or fringes are also much in demand as are hair extensions.

Body care
Using an alcohol free cleanser, water based cosmetics and makeup unless you have very dry skin. Don't wait for a special occasion to get your face and back polished. Go in for treatments every three to four months — they clean your skin and give it an unblemished, polished look. Your skin needs water to glow, so keep yourself hydrated. Green tea is another great way to keep your skin and body healthy. Ensure that you also eat a healthy diet and eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables.


Monday, October 21, 2013

केटीहरुको दिल जित्ने किही उपाएहरु !

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Are you struggling everyday with watching the love of your life being flattered by other potential lovers, knowing that you yourself are the only one who loves her truly? Jealousy, hatred, and a feeling of loss might all come to life during this time. But what you really need to do is win that person's heart. Read on to learn how.
 1 Don't come on too strong early. Let the relationship develop at its own pace. Coming on too strong early will almost certainly creep her out. Gradually get stronger feelings for her as you go on with the relationship together.
2 Be brave. Most girls like people with confidence, not an ego. Just walk up to her and start a simple conversation. She'll get the hint that you are interested in her. Start with a simple conversation starter:

    "That's a really nice dress. Did you make it yourself?"
    "I'm sorry, I'm new here. Can you tell me where the library is?"
    "Hi, my name is [your name]. You look like you're interesting to talk to. Do you mind if I steal a couple minutes of your time?"

3 Be around other girls. This is not the same thing as flirting with other girls, which is probably not a good move. Being around other girls tells the girl that you're really interested in that other girls find you safe, reliable, and easy to be around. If you get other girls to indirectly vouch for you like this, you've made a big step.

    Make friends with her friends if it's not too big of a step. We know that it can be overwhelming, but just try. If her friends like you, you'll have a better chance of winning her over. After all, girls often turn to their friends for advice and for a second opinion. Make sure they have a high opinion of you.

4 Have good hygiene. Women take pride in smelling clean and looking kempt! That means if a man has good hygiene, it works really well on her. The opposite, bad hygiene, is usually an immediate deal-breaker. Believe it or not, fresh, clean-smelling hair is a really good thing. And, a fresh-smelling body is a must-have. Here are three things that you can do right now to improve your hygiene:

    Rain or shine, sweat or not, shower daily. If you can afford it, it's better to be too-clean than not clean enough. Take pride in how clean you are and in smelling nice. Especially if you play sports, this step is a must.
    Shave or groom your facial hair daily. Most women like men who don't carry facial hair: it's prickly and unlikely to look good unless you're an adult. So shave that stubble away every day.
    Use deodorant, not cologne. A lot of guys think they can "mask" the scent of their natural body odor with cologne. Instead, the BO and cologne just mixes together to create a very bad odor. Girls would rather not smell you at all than smell this cologne-creation. If you must spray on cologne, spray it on very lightly.

5 If you can make a girl laugh, you'll get further with her. But don't take advantage of this. Let her be your best friend first, then ease into things. A girl needs to know that she can trust you, and that you're not going to break her heart because you really do care about her. Girls love to laugh and will laugh at anything you say, even if its not funny.
6 Be sincere. Compliments, flirting, teasing, carefulness -- none of it matters unless you truly do care. When you do decide to compliment her, take time to reflect on what you like about her, summon up the courage to tell her, and be sincere.

    It's okay to disagree with her, as long as you don't threaten her, you respect her opinion, and you offer good reasons about why you believe differently. Who knows? She might even respect you more for speaking your mind, because it shows how much of an individual you are.

7 Prove that you really like her. Show that you're not simply crushing or lusting for her. Ask her about herself, talk to her. Don't just move in for the kiss. Listen to her and look her in the eye.
8 Compliment her. Complimenting a girl is tough: every person wants to feel good about themselves, but the right compliment is really hard to come by. Not only that, a little complimenting goes a long way. Pay attention to these guidelines when you're ready to start showing you like her more than just a friend:

    Reinforce how she views herself. If she thinks of herself as an athlete, reinforce her competitive spirit or athletic skills. If she thinks of herself as a thinker, praise her smarts. Whatever she thinks of herself as, compliment that aspect of her the most.
    Stick with safe compliments about her personality. Don't compliment her feminine areas, or too much about her looks; while girls want to feel pretty, they also want to feel like you respect them just as much for their smarts and personality. If you do want to compliment a girl on her looks, stick to these areas:
    Try out some compliments like these. They're a rough sketch, so try to think of your own that are more appropriate for the occasion and the girl.
        "I'm sorry this is pretty awkward, but I get really nervous around pretty girls."
        "Maybe you get this a lot, but I love the way your mind works."
        "I like how the color of your eyes matches your dress. Does one of your parents also have blue eyes?"
    1     Memorize her eye color. Do this by looking at them as much as you can when you're talking with her. It wouldn't be a bad idea to do this for every woman you meet.
    2     Practice flirting with her. You've probably started flirting with her a little bit by complimenting her and talking with her. Now it's time to step it up a notch and really show her what your game is about.
        Whatever you do, visualize success and be confident. You can't flirt if you're not confident in your abilities to win her over. So do whatever gets you pumped up, or wait until you've scored the winning touchdown or won the science fair, and start flirting.
        Break the touch barrier. Gently start touching her in safe, non-threatening areas. Touch her hand lightly when you make a point or tell the kicker to a joke; rub her back quickly when you're reassuring her about something; touch the top of her shoulder when you want to get her attention.
        Playfully tease her. Preferably, tease her about something that she's confident about or good at, so that she knows that you're teasing her instead of insulting her. If she's great at school, for example, say something like "I wouldn't want to be on a science project with you, because that means I'd be pulling all the slack."
    3     Don't play games. It's a waste of time and gets a relationship headed in the wrong direction. If you try to start a relationship on something false (like you say you've had a multi-year relationship yet you've never even had a girlfriend), that is most likely where you will end up. If you think the girl is only in the relationship for one thing, and you're in it for another, don't just play along to keep her with you. Tell her what you're looking for and try and make her see what really counts.
        Don't play hard to get unless you're sure it'll work. Believe it or not, some guys try to play hard to get. And most of the time, it fails because the girl misinterprets his distance for coldness.
    4    Be reliable. Most girls want to have someone they can trust and turn to when something goes wrong. And even when she is having a good day, let her know you're interested in how she's doing. If you know that she has plans after work or school, ask her how it went. If you let on that you like her, she'll eventually pick up on the hints. You don't even have to come out and say it.
        If you say you're going to do something, do it. If you talk the talk, be prepared to walk the walk. Girls (and guys, for that matter) hate it when people say they'll do something but never follow through. Don't be that guy.
        Polish your reputation. Don't have the reputation of someone that she might not want to date. That means:
            Treating other girls nicely and not harassing them.
            Having good friends who are likely and willing to vouch for you when you need it.
            Being somebody who is generally well-liked, respected, and admired.
    5    Let her wear your jacket if she's cold. It makes an even bigger impression if you take it off of your back and give it to her to wear, but make sure it's clean and smells decent. In doing this, you show a girl that you care about her. She will feel safe and cared.
    6    Be interested in who she is. Ask her about her day. It's a simple way to show her that you are interested in what she does, and that you do care. When she starts to talk, you must give her your full attention. Look her in the eye. Most importantly, don't interrupt. Ask her questions to show her that you were listening, and offer your opinion if you have one.

   1    Share in her emotions. If she gets a perfect score on her math test, be cheerful about it! If she is having a bad day, let her know that you feel her pain and that you want her to feel better. Ask her if there is any way that you can make her feel better.
        If you know of a surefire way to cheer her up, use it when she's down. Maybe she likes a special kind of fro-yo that's only available two towns south. Maybe she's excited about teddy-bears that they make her laugh. Whatever it is, go the extra mile to help show her what she means to you.
    2     Love her for her quirks. Everyone has something they don't like about the person they love, but if you have too many big things on that list, that's trouble. You need to love her for the things that make her special, for her uniqueness. Tell her so.
        If she's insecure about something, for example, you'd have a golden opportunity to make her feel better. Say something like: "I love your freckles. They really highlight your beauty." A simple thing like that could boost her spirits and show her that you like her for the right reasons.
        Be especially careful about her insecurities. Most girls (and guys, too) are insecure about some aspect of their personality and/or looks. As you get to know her, you'll probably come to know and understand that insecurity more. Don't call attention to it, be forgiving of it, and encourage her to look at all the other traits that make her wonderful.
    3     Make her feel like the most beautiful girl in the world. You can actually directly say that. Girls love to be complimented and to know that they are beautiful, but don't overdo it, particularly in a new friendship. Just saying something like, "You look really nice today" will make her happy. As long as you're sincere and mean it. If you are not, they will not trust your opinion on other things.
    4     Develop great communication skills. Share interesting things that you're thinking, or stories about people you've come across. You've probably asked a lot of questions about her, but maybe she doesn't know all that much about you. Share the parts of yourself that you're comfortable sharing, and maybe even the parts of yourself you're still scared to reveal.
        If she's shown parts of herself that are vulnerable, don't be afraid to show her little bits of pieces of yourself that you're vulnerable about, too.
        Put yourself in her shoes. What does she like talking about? How does she respond to criticism? What makes her different than other girls? What does she pride herself on? Answer these questions from her perspective and plan accordingly.
    5     Ask her out on a date if you haven't already. Getting to the date stage is the hardest part. Once you've gone on a few dates, you'll find out pretty quickly whether she's still the stuff of your dreams. But getting there can be difficult. Luckily, you're confident, calm, and you have a plan:
        You don't have to say it's a date to ask her out. Things can get awkward if you call it a date. Instead, say something like: "Hey, so I got two tickets to that new movie on Saturday, and my friend bailed. Would you want to go?"
        Increases your chances of success on a date by doing something exciting, something that raises her heart rate. Maybe a haunted house, or a theme park with roller coasters, or a horror movie. Dates that are exciting have a better chance of promoting a bond between you two because you feel like you've been through something together.
        Be a gentleman. Open doors for her, be on time, pay for the date, and don't expect a kiss on the first date. Move at her pace and make her feel comfortable. If you make her feel comfortable at every step, she should melt into your arms.
    6     Always let her know you love her. Love who she is, inside and out. And show it. This is the most important step. If she knows you love her she will be more keen on the relationship.


  • Consider giving her a promise ring to declare your love and show your good intention, this will make her realize how much you love her.
  • Don't be petty. Don't complain about trivial things.
  • Don't seem over eager. Let her call and text you sometimes (though make sure you at least send her little texts too to show you think of her, but don't overdo it).
  • Making the first move doesn't always work, but it can work if you know her well enough. Wait for the right moment like if she is upset or says something nice to you or if she is scared but eye contact is key.
  • Don't interrupt. Show a respect for everything and everyone. Be a nice person; understanding and appreciative.
  • If a girl takes you away from your friends and to a quiet place, don't just assume that she wants to ask you out. There's a decent chance she might ask a totally different question.
  • Sometimes, less direct methods of talking to her (like text messaging) can give off a more mysterious and intriguing impression, but nothing really compares to face-to-face communication. Get plenty of that in.
  • Talk to her politely, especially when you two have a fight. Try to make yourself a humble man; that will be the sweetest point of you.
  • Be self-assured. Walk, talk and act with confidence. Be a leader. Offer her the security you can provide.
  • Be honest.


  •     Never rebound with another girl straight after a relationship. If you have recently broken up with a girl, don't get in a relationship too quickly with anyone afterward; this could show the girl that you never even loved her.
  •     Don't worry if you don't match up with all of these suggestions. If you feel similar feelings and you love her, you'll be okay.
  •     Never talk about her behind her back, because she is going to find out, girls are smart that way!
  •     Do not cheat on her. You may never win her heart back and you could emotionally scar her and prevent her from wanting to be in a relationship again.
  •     Never put all your eggs in one basket, unless ready for a devoted marriage or prolonged relationship. Understand you may get burned.